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Thursday, July 26, 2018

7 Egg Face Packs for Normal, Dry & Oily Skin Types

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Egg Face Pack-For Normal Skin Type
·       Wash your face thoroughly and pat it dry with the help of a clean towel.
·       Take an egg and separate the egg white from yolk
·       Apply egg white specifically all over your face, utilizing a cotton ball.
·       Let it dry totally for 10 – 15 minutes
·       Wash your face thoroughly with normal water.

Egg Face Pack for Dry Skin
·       Wash your face thoroughly and pat it dry with the help of a clean towel.
·       Take an egg yolk.
·       Take one teaspoon of honey.
·       Mix both ingredients well together and apply on your face.
·       Keep it on for 10-15 minutes.
·       Wash off completely with normal water.

Egg Face Pack for Oily Skin
·       Wash your face thoroughly and pat it dry with the help of a clean towel.
·       Take some egg white.
·       Mix it well with some more fuller’s earth (Multani Mitti).
·       Keep blending it well until the point when you get a decent consistency.
·       Apply this on the face and let it dry for 15-20 minutes.
·       Wash your face thoroughly after mentioned time.

Egg Face Pack for Glowing Skin: Recipe with Gram Flour, Lemon juice
·       Wash your face thoroughly and pat it dry with the help of a clean towel.
·       Take 1 table spoon of gram flour.
·       Mix it well with around double egg white.
·       Now add few drops of lemon to this blend.
·       Apply it uniformly all over and let it be on your face for 20 minutes.
·       Rinse altogether with normal water.

Egg Face Pack: Recipe with Milk, Carrots and Egg White
·       Wash your face thoroughly and pat it dry with the help of a clean towel.
·       Take some egg white
·       Take some small pieces of carrot and milk.
·       Grind carrot and milk well with the help of a grinder.
·       Mix it well with the egg white.
·       Apply the mixture on your face in a gentle manner.
·       Let it sit all over for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with normal water.

Egg Face Pack: Recipe for Fine Lines and Wrinkles
·       Wash your face thoroughly and pat it dry with the help of a clean towel.
·       Now apply egg white to your face.
·       Let it dry totally
·       Rinse completely with plain water following 10 minutes

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