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Monday, May 21, 2018

How to Heal Cracked Heels: Natural Remedies

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Dry skin, harsh soaps, weather, age factor and excessive exposure to water are common reasons of cracked heels. There are a lot of remedies to get rid of the cracked heels. Some of them are petroleum jelly, glycerin, honey, scrubbing with pumice stone, vegetable oil and coconut oil.

Glycerin and Rose Water:
Glycerin is good remedy for healing cracked heels because of its moisturizing properties. To make this useable for cracked heels, mix 2 tablespoon of glycerin with 2 tablespoon of rose water and apply this mixture on your cracked heels with the help of cotton balls. Allow the mixture to be on your heels for atleast 1 hour and then rinse it off with normal water.

Petroleum Jelly (Vaseline):
Petroleum jelly, popular with name Vaseline is a household item from last more than 2 decades. Its popularly used in winters for dry or cracked skin. Firstly, you need to clean and scrub your feet to remove dead skin. After scrubbing, pat your feet dry with the help of a soft towel and now apply Vaseline on cracked area of heels and wear a pair of socks for full night. Wash your feet as usual in morning with normal water. This remedy will give instant relief to you.

Vegetable Oils for Healing Cracked Heels:
Vegetable oil heals cracked heels by nourishing the dried skin. Before applying the vegetable oil, soak your feet in warm water for about 20 minutes and then scrub with the help of pumice stone to remove dead skin cells. Now, dry your feet with a soft and clean towel.
Take 2 tablespoon of vegetable oil and apply all over cracked heels with the help of cotton balls. Wear clean socks and let it be overnight and wash in morning as routinely.

Honey and Lemon for Cracked Heels:

The mixture of honey and lemon is good treatment for a number of skin and health problems. To make honey and lemon useable for healing cracked heels, pour 2 tablespoon of honey and 4 tablespoon of lemon juice in a half filled bucked with warm water. Soak your feet for around 20-25 minutes in the water and scrub with the help of pumice stone to remove dirt & dust particles and dead skin cells from your feet.
Now, make your feet dry with a soft and clean towel and use a moisturizer or lotion to moisturize your feet. Wear a pair of socks for overnight to maintain the moisture level.

Rice Flour Paste:

Rice flour mask is also a good option for heeling cracked heels. To make the rice flour useable for the purpose, mix 2 tablespoon of rice flour with 1 tablespoon of honey and one table spoon of olive oil. Soak your feet for about 15-20 minutes in warm water and then scrub with the rice flour paste for about 7-10 minutes. After that wash your feet with normal water and moisturize with a good moisturizer.

Coconut Oil:

Coconut is also a common remedy for healing cracked heels. Coconut oil is widely used for hydrating and moisturizing dry skin. For this purpose, you just need to clean your feet and apply coconut oil with the help of cotton balls on your cracked heels and wear a pair of clean socks for full night. Wash your feet in morning with normal water.

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